Is this an active prison or one of those old and deactivated territorial prisons?
This penitentiary closed it's 'bars' about 15 years ago. It's now open for tours and is used for police and the like from around the world for riot and other similar training.
The irony is the state seal at the top -- Montani Semper Liberi -- which translates "Mountaineers are Always Free" ... Oh the irony....
I would love to tour this place. Have you done so?
I have been through it so many times I lost count! I was even in it when it was active but only via tour! Ironically it is more depressing without the Halloween hoopla because you get to see it's reality!
I have been through it so many times I lost count! I was even in it when it was active but only via tour! Ironically it is more depressing without the Halloween hoopla because you get to see it's reality!
They used to call it doing time, going up the river, now it's a tour.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
This penitentiary closed it's 'bars' about 15 years ago. It's now open for tours and is used for police and the like from around the world for riot and other similar training.
The irony is the state seal at the top -- Montani Semper Liberi -- which translates "Mountaineers are Always Free" ... Oh the irony....
I have been through it so many times I lost count!
They used to call it doing time, going up the river, now it's a tour.
Hard to keep up with the new terms / euphemisms.
Sam, they didn't have good Internet connection in that old building so they had to get a state-of-the-art facility.
Hard for prisons not to be depressing, it's their job.
Dare I