Lightroom Plugin Gallery Description - New Line

chris457chris457 Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
edited November 24, 2016 in SmugMug Support
Any way to get to a new line in the gallery description field of the Smugmug Lightroom Plugin? I can copy and paste multi paragraph descriptions but I can't get to a new line within Lightroom. CTRL+Enter, ALT+Enter and Enter alone all close the editing window.


  • JtringJtring Registered Users Posts: 679 Major grins
    edited November 13, 2014
    You can insert the string <br>. This forces a line feed. For example, my gallery
    has the following in the Lightroom description field:

    A few shots from each of a handful of close-to-home October and November hikes. <br>Saturday, October 18: Las Trampas Regional Wilderness. <br>Sunday, November 2: Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve. (Yes, we have a little ten-million-year-old volcano in the East Bay hills.) <br>Monday, November 3: Sunol Regional Wilderness. <br>Monday, November 10: Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline.
    Jim Ringland . . . . .
  • devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited November 13, 2014

    I'll have to fire up a window machine for testing...but Option+Enter and Ctrl+Enter both give me multi-lines on my Mac with LR.


    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
  • chris457chris457 Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited November 18, 2014
    The string
    does work, but then I do have the tag present in the lightroom field. At least on my windows machine CTRL+enter still just closes the dialogue. For now the best workaround I've found is still to type up the description somewhere else and then past it into the field.
  • leftquarkleftquark Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,785 Many Grins
    edited November 19, 2014
    Hi Chris,
    Excellent question. When you're asking about new lines showing up, do you mean that the captions when viewed in SmugMug don't have the new line? I found in the New SmugMug that new lines were being ignored if any other bit of HTML was inserted. I used some CSS to force line-breaks to show up in SmugMug. You can use the code here:
    dGrin Afficionado
    Former SmugMug Product Team
    aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
    My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
  • chris457chris457 Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited November 19, 2014
    I haven't messed with the captions too much yet, but I'll check out the CSS. That will likely be the next thing I run into

    My question here was about the lightroom plugin's gallery description field. I'm trying to add new lines to the description, from within lightroom, without using HTML. I assumed CTRL+enter would work, but it just closes the dialog (same as ENTER does).

    So HTML
    is an option. Or cutting and pasting a text description from elsewhere (that contains line breaks) is also an option.
  • leftquarkleftquark Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,785 Many Grins
    edited November 19, 2014
    Are you on a Mac or on a PC? On my Mac, using "alt (option) + Enter" does the trick.
    dGrin Afficionado
    Former SmugMug Product Team
    aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
    My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
  • chris457chris457 Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited November 19, 2014
    I am on a PC. I've tried CTRL+enter. SHIFT+Enter. ALT+Enter.

    The first two close the dialog. ALT+Enter does nothing.
  • bicyclistbicyclist Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited November 24, 2016
    One quick and easy way I found is to just copy a blank line in, for example, notepad. So type a letter, any letter, hit 'enter.' Then type another letter. Now select, using your arrow key only the 'carriage return' between the two letters. I save that to a clipboard program that I have (Spartan Clipboard) and label it 'Line Feed For LR Smug.' I can then paste-away to my heart's content, line feeds whenever I need one.
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