5 Day B&W Challenge

So, I recently played along with the Facebook based 5 Day Black & White photo challenge. The project: 1 B&W pic each day for 5 days. With each day's upload to FB, you tag another shutterbug friend to include them in the challenge. Essentially, your activity for 5 days results in exponential additions to the challenge. There's no physical prize, only the growth of photo skills and pride I think.
Here are my pics for the 5 days. Thanks for viewing!!

Here are my pics for the 5 days. Thanks for viewing!!

Nice to see you post!
It's good to be posting again. We've been super busy rearranging our lives!
Kudos to you for striving to learn and grow as a photographer.
I don't find anything interesting #1, and the blown out sky exasperates this.
#2 is creative but seems to lake sharpness and contrast.
#3 I like the subject matter but the over all image seems flat.
#4 I think may be the technically the best image but far to busy.
#5 This image is very flat. It does not invoke any felling of early morning, or a foggy day.
This is my opinion.....................please don't be offended, you know I wish you the best!
No offense taken, Sam! You always give me straight forward insight, and I try to use it when / where I can. Besides, if someone is willing to take time to spend these words, then I'm willing to take time to give the words attention.
I will try some post process later this week to see what I can do with the contrast and depth issues. If I can't get to it this week, it'll be a month (Grand Canyon rafting trip 3 weeks). lol