Meysan Lake, Sierra Nevada

My wife and I took a hike up to Meysan Lake last weekend at the last minute when some other plans fell through. Great day. This is another trail that heads out near Whitney Portal. So close to the Whitney area, but without all the crowds.





We were fortunate enough to see some Big Horn Sheep. Too bad I left my telephoto at home like a dummy. These are from my wife with her G15.







We were fortunate enough to see some Big Horn Sheep. Too bad I left my telephoto at home like a dummy. These are from my wife with her G15.



Thanks for sharing these! Total joy!!
Not sure exactly what that means Boco, but it sounds good, hehe! I think I see "best composition" in there, Thanks ;-)
Thanks!! I have the same problem, but putting somebody in the photo can help. Wish I could offer something more! Just got this new wide-angle I really love for landscape, feel like I can frame any scene. But, it sure makes some features awfully tiny!
You should look up the history of Bighorn in the Sierra, it's long and involved and very interesting. Part of that is the idea (although I haven't seen the evidence to back it up), that replacing bighorn with domestic sheep in the high valleys led to the loss of groundcover around the tarns in some of the higher altitude cirques, creating much (or some) of the barren rock valley-scapes we see today.
Link to my Smugmug site
That's been our experience too JC. Several sightings in our desert wanderings, but took us almost 20 years of avidly exploring the Sierra to finally see the Big Horns there. I've had more mountain lion sightings and those guys are supposed to be very elusive.
I'm still waiting on a Wolverine sighting, but not holding my breath, lol.
Thanks kdog! You won't be disappointed if you go ;-)