I don't believe you can specify where Journal style galleries change pages; it is done automatically for you. I just counted the photos on a multi-page Journal gallery on my site. If I didn't miscount it appears that the number of photos on one page is 48. Take a look at this gallery to see pages - http://www.denisegoldberg.com/Medley/galleries-by-date/n-GzNHG/.
I don't believe you can specify where Journal style galleries change pages; it is done automatically for you. I just counted the photos on a multi-page Journal gallery on my site. If I didn't miscount it appears that the number of photos on one page is 48. Take a look at this gallery to see pages - http://www.denisegoldberg.com/Medley/galleries-by-date/n-GzNHG/.
--- Denise
Denise, I count 38 images showing (on page 1) at that link.
Do you think the Journal style uses different numbers of images per page based on screen resolution, in a manner similar to the SmugMug (default) style?
Denise, I count 38 images showing (on page 1) at that link.
Do you think the Journal style uses different numbers of images per page based on screen resolution, in a manner similar to the SmugMug (default) style?
I have no idea - I just tried with a smaller browser window and I still came up with 48. Then again, maybe I miscounted... But either way I don't believe we have control over the number of photos that show on a page in a Journal style gallery.
Thanks for your answer, too bad that you can not determine the number of images on each page. in an attempt to make a shop with paypal buttons, I'm going to make a couple (maybe a lot) of pages with images to the left and captions to the right. I think it is called "journal old style". Then we shall see whether the number of images is also approximately 48
I would like the number of images on each side were about 10 pieces, 48 seems like a very high number for the customer to scroll through
The journal old style was only available on the Old SmugMug. That's not a style you can access any longer on the New SmugMug.
Yes i know...i was thinking more like doing some css to make the caption apear to the right of the images. Like discussed in this thread http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=242459
But it dont change the number of images on each page, yes it is around 48....way to much i think
@Denise, i have looked at your pages and wonder: how do you make the link to galleries inside the caption?
Yes, since I'm hosting a big community, I haven't touched that site and it's still using the Old SmugMug.
Sebastian, you are lucky still having the old smugmug. I was so stupid to migrate to the new SM before i knew that java and all the other nice tweak possibilities was removed in new SM. Anybody who want to sell an old SM account? ;-)
Sebastian, you are lucky still having the old smugmug. I was so stupid to migrate to the new SM before i knew that java and all the other nice tweak possibilities was removed in new SM. Anybody who want to sell an old SM account? ;-)
I would have switched the account long ago if it weren't for the community. I don't need javascript and the great look of the New SmugMug along with the organizer is what's most important to me. As soon as I have some time to work on some new photos, I'll set up a new site and leave the old one just for the community.
Sebastian, you are lucky still having the old smugmug. I was so stupid to migrate to the new SM before i knew that java and all the other nice tweak possibilities was removed in new SM. Anybody who want to sell an old SM account? ;-)
I agree with Sebastian - new Smug does a much better job of showcasing your photos. Yes, there is no javascript, and there may be things you can't implement in new smug - but I think the user interface is greatly improved.
I had a highly customized legacy site but I was very happy to move to new smugmug with very little code behind my site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Denise, I count 38 images showing (on page 1) at that link.
Do you think the Journal style uses different numbers of images per page based on screen resolution, in a manner similar to the SmugMug (default) style?
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley
I have no idea - I just tried with a smaller browser window and I still came up with 48. Then again, maybe I miscounted... But either way I don't believe we have control over the number of photos that show on a page in a Journal style gallery.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
SmugMug Support Hero
I would like the number of images on each side were about 10 pieces, 48 seems like a very high number for the customer to scroll through
SmugMug Support Hero
Yes i know...i was thinking more like doing some css to make the caption apear to the right of the images. Like discussed in this thread http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=242459
But it dont change the number of images on each page, yes it is around 48....way to much i think
@Denise, i have looked at your pages and wonder: how do you make the link to galleries inside the caption?
The title field is text and the caption uses an <a href= statement: --- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
@Sebastian: so you must be using the legacy SM, since i can se some journal gallery style on your page with only 10 images?
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Hero
I had a highly customized legacy site but I was very happy to move to new smugmug with very little code behind my site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com