Spiraling out of control

You might have seen a shot I posted a few days ago of a spiral staircase. I realize I'm years late to the party, but when the Droste effect filter first became popular, my computer at the time was too wimpy to run it on anything other than a tiny frame. I have a better machine now and I thought that the staircase shot might lend itself to some pixel bending.





I had a good time with this (and I'm especially fond of #3), but in the end I think these are really just screwing-around-with-slider images and I prefer the original. The filter has many parameters and options and it was interesting to start to learn just what each of them does, but at this point, I couldn't recreate any of the above images if I tried. I looked up the math that does the transformation, but while it doesn't look entirely intimidating, I've forgotten way too much for it to be helpful. I think the key to understanding the filter may be to start with a very simple geometric image, then manipulate the parameters one by one and look at the results. Might make a good project for the coming winter weather.





I had a good time with this (and I'm especially fond of #3), but in the end I think these are really just screwing-around-with-slider images and I prefer the original. The filter has many parameters and options and it was interesting to start to learn just what each of them does, but at this point, I couldn't recreate any of the above images if I tried. I looked up the math that does the transformation, but while it doesn't look entirely intimidating, I've forgotten way too much for it to be helpful. I think the key to understanding the filter may be to start with a very simple geometric image, then manipulate the parameters one by one and look at the results. Might make a good project for the coming winter weather.
Photos: jowest.smugmug.com
Book1: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LUBMI1C
Book 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079V3RX6K
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jo.west.16
#1 and #3 for me - perfect subject for the effect, I think.
The images have an extra attraction for me because I went to see the movie Interstellar yesterday... If you've seen it, you know what I mean...
Eric: I haven't seen Interstellar yet, but it's definitely on my list.
Unsharp at any Speed
I think you need training wheels to view this... else you'll tip over
However, the way you applied it makes all the difference!!!
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I agree, I as about to post the same comment.