Favorite PS books

Do you have a current favorite Photoshop book? Well besides LAB color by Dan margulis:):
Please share. I have a Borders gift card and i'm looking to buy a book.
Please share. I have a Borders gift card and i'm looking to buy a book.
I like what Scott Kelby has done with the Photoshop CS2 book for digital photographers. Scott Kelby's writing style (the "funny" style) takes some getting used to, but it's a source of excellent info. I see they also sell it bundled for some $40 with Bruce Frasers RAW book, which I have just ordered since I heard many good things about that.
Hmm. Finally, maybe an entertaining photoshop expert.
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As to favorite PS book after PS Lab Color... Why, "Professional Photoshop," of course
It's pretty interesting since I don't know anything about studio lighting & portraits.
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