Image to open contact form

Sure this is something dead simple that I'm missing but is there a way to link an image to the contact form page? At the moment I'm using a Navbar with one item on a 'Contact' page but it looks bad because of custom CSS I've used for my main navbar (which is on every page). I like the Smugmug form but can't see any way of doing this so far!
Thank you!
Thank you!
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I just tested it and the code works fine with the text link. Works fine with a photo as well.
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You're right! It does! I'm not sure why but it doesn't seem to work for me when I'm logged in (whereas the menu link does) so I just assumed it didn't work. Tried in other browsers though and it worked fine. I assumed it was a plugin that was causing it so I disabled them all and it still wasn't working in Chrome. Eventually when I logged out it worked.
Should be able to make this page look nicer but this should do for now at least! Thanks again, you've been very helpful!
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...replacing the "@" with the link to your image (it should end .jpg probably). Place this code in an HTML content block and that should work. It won't work while you're logged in and you need a contact email set up first or again it won't work! Hope that helps!
My Photography Blog.
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- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
I know the form works, because I had it up and running before redesigning my site. Any suggestions?
Is the image not showing or is clicking on it doing nothing? Could you link to the page? Don't know if it's because your ' class="sm-muted" ' is in an <a> tag rather than a <div>? Someone here probably knows better than me, I usually just fiddle around until things work!
If the image isn't showing at all you could download smugmug's icon as a .jpg and upload it to your site's Graphics album or link directly to its .jpg? <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
My Photography Blog.
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- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
The class="sm-muted" only affects the color, as far as I know. I removed it, and the link still does not work.
I also tried linking the icon to a contact page and having the link for the form in text on the page. However, it still did not work.
Any suggestions?
I would suggest that you create a separate html content block and test this with the plain code: If that works, step by step make your modifications and test the link after each step. That way you can see at what change the code stops working.
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- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
I tried it both in IE and Firefox and it does not work for me and I made sure I was logged out.
I left it up on my site for now, directly underneath my header(on every page except for my homepage). You can try it and see:
Any ideas why it isn't working on my website?
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
After some investigation, I found that the code only works if you either have a menu content block set up with a regular contact page link or the full SmugMug footer displayed (with its built-in contact link). So what you could do, is add a small menu to the footer on your "entire site" that just includes one item pointing to the "contact page". That would ensure that the contact form is ready and your email icon in the header should work.
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I added a footer menu and it works. Thank you for your help--I appreciate it!
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Glad you got it fixed! Working now!
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
Bringing back an old thread...
I used the above code in a html block on my homepage and it worked fine.
I added it to a custom html block footer to homepage and to entire site and it works for any page except homepage and one other internal info page that also has the link in a html content block.
So the above code is in 2 places in 2 different html content block on the same page. The 1st link on the page (in the html, non-custom footer block) works. The one in the footer takes me to the top of the home page.
Any ideas?
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Not sure how to post the code.
Hi! Where specifically did you want this code/link? And, what did you want to link to? The contact form?
An option may be to use our button content block which can be set to link to the contact form.
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I used the code in this thread in a html block on my homepage and it worked fine. I also used it on an interior gallery page. It worked fine there too.
I added the code to a custom html block footer on my homepage and to entire site. The code in the footer works for any page except homepage and the other internal info page that also has the link in a html content block.
So when the above code is in 2 places in 2 different html content block on the same page. The 1st link on the page (in the html, non-custom footer block) works. The one in the footer takes me to the top of the home page.
I don't really want to use a button as it will not integrate to the footer.
Copy the code and use the 'Code' button below and paste it between the backticks.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
If you have several lines, wrap the code in three backticks like this:
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Drag to highlight all the code lines. Then click "Code" in drop menu.
Be sure to leave a blank line before and after "Code" or it won't work.
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HTML content box code: The contact form code in this box works on home page.
Custom foot HTML Code: This contact form code works on all pages but the home page and the interior gallery that has the above code too.
You are missing a closing
here:This is correct:
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Should have mentioned it is on your footer code.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk