Take Your Pick
I occasionally pass by ( and shoot ) this place as I roam the back roads in the Appalachians. The last time passing, I was intrigued by a sign that said " take your pick ". I saw an old lady on the porch of the nearby house. After a brief talk, I learned her husband had recently passed away. She wanted to get rid of all these old hubcaps and was giving them away.
I've had an idea about the decorating I want to do in my " man cave " in the new mountain house Darlene and I want to build. The old lady graciously let me have 5 of the hubcaps. Along with that door window and sign I have that says " Eat more possum " ( a picture of which I've posted before ), I'm beginning to shape up the tone of the man cave.
I've had an idea about the decorating I want to do in my " man cave " in the new mountain house Darlene and I want to build. The old lady graciously let me have 5 of the hubcaps. Along with that door window and sign I have that says " Eat more possum " ( a picture of which I've posted before ), I'm beginning to shape up the tone of the man cave.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
What a great story and image, I agree about printing this shot and hanging it in there as well.
You have to know that made the lady's day seeing something that was so special to her Husband
was a prize to so many.
Burleson, Texas
And I also agree that this image would be a perfect companion to the hubcaps in your man cave.
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Great idea, Taz. A friend, who is a graphic display magician, took your idea even further and suggested we cover the entire wall behind the wet-bar with a huge blow-up of this shot and then hang the hub caps right on the picture. I kind of like that suggestion.
See you, buddy,
Hey rascal,
I'll be surprised if some antique memorabilia dealer doesn't find this stash and clean it out. I used to see such displays on old barns a lot more frequently. It's a sad case of disappearing Americana.
Y'all be careful in your travels.
Yo Pard,
See my comments to Taz. For sure, I will find some way to incorporate this shot along with the hub caps. I'm really warming to the idea of the big blow-up with the hub caps hanging on it. We'll see.
Take care,
I'm glad you agree, Richard. I'm saving all these supportive comments from you guys to show Darlene if she begins to question my taste in decorating.
Boy, Tony, it's great to have you pay a visit. I haven't seen much from you lately on the forum. Got any racing stuff you can throw our way? I miss your contributions.
take care,
Unsharp at any Speed
Thanks! I had no idea I was missed.
Haven't done as much pic taking lately as I would like. Have only been to a few races this year, and when battling car problems I tend to forget about the camera. :uhoh
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Lauren Blackwell
You and Darlene will get along well. She's not into ruffles either. She's also very tolerant of my aberrations. If the man cave gets too crazy, she said she'll just stay away from the thing.
See you,
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks for the look-see, Mary.
I was thinking of you recently. We had a real dose of Winter weather set in on us....got down to 29F. Most of the folks in my neighborhood went comatose.
See you,
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
I have to say, Gary, I like folks who can think big. I'm afraid, though, that the budget for such extravaganza might make me persona non grata in my own creation..... God forbid.:D
Take care,
29 degrees .. major heatwave for us
Sorry it's been forever for me to get on. A very active 3 year old keeps me busy
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29! geez........ break out the shorts! It's 19 here and we're further south..........
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Hi David,
It's great to hear from your quarters. I've missed your contributions to our little group of car lovers. I hope you'll be able to share some of the exciting automotive happenings that go on in your area.
Take care,
Not too much happening in the deep freeze right now in the way of classic cars. The Galaxie is in storage at the Kruse Classic Carriage Museum. Was trying to get an L29 in there for a friend and they said yes to my car too....... heated winter storage
I'll try to stick around longer this time.
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