Homepage not working in Chrome

prosperoprospero Registered Users Posts: 29 Big grins
edited December 9, 2014 in SmugMug Customization
I've moved my site to new smugmug. It works in firefox but not in chrome. The homepage doesn't show my picture. Why? (in chrome you also have to put www. in front of domain to make it work - don't know why)

site - abennettphotography.co.uk

Thanks in advance


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited December 8, 2014
    prospero wrote: »
    The homepage doesn't show my picture. Why?
    Your homepage doesn't show a photo in any browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE) for me. Is it possible that you were logged in to your smug site when you viewed your site in Firefox?

    Is the photo in a gallery that is available to the public? It must be in either a public or unlisted gallery; it can't be in a private gallery. I'm not sure but I believe the gallery also can't be password-protected.

    --- Denise
  • annnna8888annnna8888 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 936 SmugMug Employee
    edited December 8, 2014
    The image you are showing on your homepage resides in a private gallery. As Denise pointed out, you will need to make that gallery public or unlisted instead: in gallery settings > security and privacy > privacy > toggle to unlisted.

    Your site works with and without the www part in the domain for me, but if the domain was just set up, it might take some time for the DNS changes to propagate around the globe.

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  • prosperoprospero Registered Users Posts: 29 Big grins
    edited December 9, 2014
    Thanks both. It's always the little things that you miss.
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