Product Release: New Add to Cart Process

Last week you may have seen that we released our new process for adding items to the shopping cart! We’ve remodeled the Add to Cart step to make it cleaner, simpler, and smoother for all!
To check it out, navigate to any photo you have for sale on your site and click Buy Photos > This Photo. It'll now look like this:

What Changed?
We’ve completely revamped the first half of the shopping process, when you’re adding photos into your cart. Here’s what’s new:
Next Steps:
To check it out, navigate to any photo you have for sale on your site and click Buy Photos > This Photo. It'll now look like this:

What Changed?
We’ve completely revamped the first half of the shopping process, when you’re adding photos into your cart. Here’s what’s new:
- You’ll see a larger, prettier preview of your photo on the left. You’ll know for sure which pic you’re viewing.
- There’s now an easier-to-follow item selection pane on the right. All the same products and options are there, and it’s much easier to drill down to what you want.
- You’ll now adjust cropping in that same window as soon as you choose your print size. With borders and boundaries bigger and easier to see, there’s less chance something vital will get cropped out in your print.
- All of this automagically scales to fit smaller screen sizes, making shopping on-the-go as easy as just a few taps.
- Crop and adjust without changing screens.
Next Steps:
- This is only the first half of the shopping cart: we have plans to upgrade the checkout process as well! Of course we’ll share as soon as we’ve got something ready to show you.
- We'd love to bring back the option to hide sizes that require cropping. It makes more sense to have this as an option that you select, rather than your customers and we're going to find a place for this.
- We're going to add Product Photos so your customers will have an idea of what they're buying.
- We're going to try to fix the method for buying multiple photos
dGrin Afficionado
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I'd like to see improvements in the process if the viewer clicks the buy button from the gallery as opposed to from lightbox. In collage and journal galleries the current behavior brings up tiles of all photos in the gallery with a preselected product. Change product behaves in the old way, not the new. I would prefer to see the tiles on the left (as they are currently) with the new add to cart entry on the right. Are there plans to change this behavior?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes, we need to figure out how the multiple photos integrates with the new add to cart. Right now it's its own thing, a separate interface, and not as user friendly as our new one, as you've mentioned. Ideally we'd integrate it so there's only 1 "Buy Photos" and no need to have the user select whether they want one or multiple ... it's just "BUY"! There's some significant effort involved in doing this, though. The process gets complicated when there's multiple pricelists, different products listed across them, different prices for the same product but on different photos, different print labs, etc.
Depending on the settings for your collage style, you can have the shopping cart icon appear over the individual photos, which when clicked, will bring up the new Add to Cart options.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes ... it has some pro's and con's. It's actually quite a bit more prominent over the images for medium to large size galleries where the "Buy" button on the gallery disappears as soon as the user scrolls. On this gallery it's very prominent and easy to find. However, if I had added captions / titles, then the cart icon gets squished in a sea of text. We're trying to balance the clutter that can get added when trying to add options for purchasing multiple photos with a clean, great, display of your photos
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: