A Few More From South Texas Missions

Howdy All,
A few more from our Trip to South Texas, was so overwhelmed with
all the Spanish Missions, seeing and shooting them.

Thanks For Looking !!!
A few more from our Trip to South Texas, was so overwhelmed with
all the Spanish Missions, seeing and shooting them.

Thanks For Looking !!!
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
Those last two shots really stand out. Great work.
See you,
Thanks for the kind reply and
Burleson, Texas
Howdy You,
Thanks very much, I have to say I really missed
shooting and getting out to see new and different
Burleson, Texas
I don't know how you constantly manage to call those great clouds at will...
I really love your comp on the first image! Very strong
#3 gets my next vote
You've done a great job on the missions. They aren't as easy to shoot well, as people might think.
Howdy You,
Thanks very much, I do love those clouds and even KK will comment
when she see's neat one
The Missions were so much more than even my Research alluded to, and
have to give many Thanks to Lauren for all her suggestions and help on what
to see and shoot.
Burleson, Texas
How did you achieve the effect? Infra Red?
Howdy Richard,
Thanks very much, I'll bet that was
a stunning place to live, I've heard
wonderful things about the Island.
Burleson, Texas
Thanks very much, appreciate the Kind reply.
Yes, I normally put IR in the Title, forgot it this
I am shooting with a modded D70S, with the 720nM Filter.
Burleson, Texas
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Unsharp at any Speed
Thanks Very Much David,
really loved all 4 of the Missions we visited,
and honestly can't wait to go back.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Gary,
Thanks very much, wished I could have shot
more at this Mission, the Church was being
renovated, so it will be on my list next time.
Burleson, Texas
These old Spanish missions all seem to have a lot of character and an unique energy level all their own.
Unsharp at any Speed
It's pretty amazing how many have survived and the role they obviously played in the colonization of territories.
Very cool images.
And I expect to be included on that list next time! :giggle I'll buy dinner.
These are wonderful, Craig! Definitely not the typical Mission shot seen around here. Apart from the IR, your compositions are unique also. I like #3 for its perspective. I love the clouds in #4--I just wish they had not had to resurface the walls. I know it was necessary but it doesn't look the same. Regardless, it's a great shot.
Lauren Blackwell
Howdy Ian,
Appreciate the Reply and comment,
it was really wonderful to finally get
to see the 4 Hidden Gems father South
than the Alamo.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy OhioRN,
Thanks very much !!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Lauren,
Thanks so much, and #3 was for you, I remember you writing how
that Church was your Favorite. I know it's hard to see them being
worked on, but so much I'm sure has to do to keep the 150-200 yr old
Structure stable, especially since they're still being used for Services.
We're certainly planning on returning to see them again, and Dinner
would be wonderful, but it would be our treat for all the great info and
Take Care,
Burleson, Texas
Hope you have a blessed Christmas season!
Lauren Blackwell
Howdy Lauren,
Merry Christmas to You as Well.
Just let us know, I know Randy like's
shooting best when it's 108 degrees but
I'd bet he'd make it as well.
Burleson, Texas
Lauren Blackwell
I'm versatile...
I can shoot in 108 degrees or 18 degrees. Either way, I have a built in excuse just in case things don't turn out well
Burleson, Texas
Lauren Blackwell