After the new updates with smugmug it seems much harder to customize a site. I've done it before with a breeze, but now with all these content blocks it seems difficult to find the div names. I wanted to have a background image for the gallery content block. Also tried to change some of the heading and breadcrumb text colors, but doesn't seem to work although other changes like background image were applied. Much help is appreciated :bow
After the new updates with smugmug it seems much harder to customize a site. I've done it before with a breeze, but now with all these content blocks it seems difficult to find the div names. I wanted to have a background image for the gallery content block. Also tried to change some of the heading and breadcrumb text colors, but doesn't seem to work although other changes like background image were applied. Much help is appreciated :bow
Sorry, the link is
You could use the following code to set a background behind your gallery:
Just change the location of the image url to the image you want to use.
I typically use the Chrome Developer Tools to "Inspect Element" and figure out which DIV classes to touch. You can play around with your edits in the developer tools and move your mouse over div names to see which area on the site it will touch.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Your awesome! Thanks a bunch