Mobile Menu truncating. Not displaying properly?

My Mobile site is still truncating my menu instead of displaying the mobile menu properly on iPhone6 and iPads? Haven't figured this enigma out yet and have searched and researched different code as on leftquarks pages of goodies but to no avail. Nothing seems to get it to trigger the mobile menu? Could anyone take a peek and help me throw some Guru voodoo at it?
J. Mack
Ok, Ive bet you've heard this before... My Mobile Menu Is Not Working Properly. I have searched, researched, checked forums and I am all out of juice and time! My site is No Worky! I know just enough code to get myself in trouble, which is not helping my cause. It seems to just be on the iPhone6 and iPad sizes. Kind of a problem. I read the latest thread on this but it doesn't seem to be the same issue.
I have checked your menu on an iPhone 6+ and I can confirm that everything is working fine. Could yo please give us little bit more information on what exactly is not working or how you would like the menu to behave on your mobile device?
Standing by.
This menu should either fit or turn "Mobile." I would be happy with either, Just not this.
Hi 1Vision,
Our Support Heroes are available by email and respond within 1-hour (if not sooner!). If you're looking for immediate help your best bet is to email them. I did see that one of our heroes has already written but I also see that it hasn't solved your problem. I too, have noticed that things get a bit weird on iPhone6 in landscape mode.
We have a fix that's going through test right now that will turn the iPhone6 in landscape mode into the mobile version. That should fix your menu. I'll try to let you know when it's been pushed live and will double check your site when it is!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thank You Aaron. I certainly appreciate your response to this. Do you know if there is anything else I could try in the meantime or would I just have to remove a couple of menu Items for my site to work?
You could try using some CSS to remove a few links if it's a mobile screen (like the "search" link for example"). We could also try to make the spacing between nav items smaller when on mobile. Let me know what you'd like to try and I can help whip up some CSS code for you!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I'm good with Hiding "search" and I wouldn't mind tightening the spacing a little. If you could help, I would greatly appreciate it!
1) Fixed the portrait orientation mobile phone so that the "Menu" didn't overlap with your logo
2) For landscape orientation mobile phones (iphone 6), "Search" is now hidden.
3) For landscape orientation mobile phones (iphone 6), the nav elements are closer together.
Let me know how that looks. I tested it on my iPhone6 and it looks good.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I couldn't be happier! Thank you so much for your help leftquark! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I really appreciate it! Hope my code wasn't too messed up. I'm a nube.