Fall glory.....

New life.....

Seen better days.....

New life.....

Seen better days.....

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
It's interesting how different regions around the country build barns differently. Each area seems to build them about like the others in that area, which is usually a good bit different than another regions design.
Link to my Smugmug site
Love those Old Barns, you sure find some neat ones !!!
Those Leaves in that First one is Stunning !!!
Burleson, Texas
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks, Randy. Your observation is interesting. Outside of prevailing weather conditions and intended use, I wonder what influences the different designs....perhaps culture and customs play a role.
See you, Pard,
It's always great to hear from you, Joel. Thanks for the look-see. And many thanks for all you do to make D-Grin a warm home for all of us.
I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful coming year.
Hey you old rascal,
As you know, Craig, my regular stomping grounds in the Appalachians are NW North Carolina, NE Tennessee, and SW Virginia. If I started today and really humped it, I could spend the rest of my life tracking down these rapidly vanishing old buildings. Sadly, more and more of Americana is giving way to....who knows what.
That first barn shot is one of my very favorites.
See you, buddy,
Thanks for your support, David. It's always meant a lot to me.
Happy New Year,
That #1 is a real beauty Tom... the fall colors give it something special.
The composition, with fore, mid, and background elements is very pleasing!
Thanks, Eric. They still store hay in that barn....I guess you use what you have.
See you,
Thanks, Mary. Like Eric said, the Fall colors really helped make this shot.
Happy New Year,
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks, Jack. I'm partial to that one myself.
See you, buddy,
Lauren Blackwell
You know, Lauren, the photo gods are smiling on you when you're able find a scene like this where various elements are present and positioned favorably so you can get that " just right " shot. Most barns are fairly isolated, affording me little opportunity to drag in anything else of interest... excepting, of course, the accompanying terrain.
When I'm able to focus on it, we'll have to further explore the mighty " Appalachian Antics " event we've discussed. Got a few pressing issues to handle first. Have no fear, my Lady, there'll be barns aplenty for you. In fact, there's one particular route ( which I have christened the " Barn Loop " ) that runs for about 60 miles in a big loop north of Boone through barn territory to die for. A number of my favorites, including the first one here, are on that trek.
Happy New Year to you and Paul,
I always like your barn work Tom, but #1 sets a new standard. Outstanding
Thanks for your continued support, Cristóbal. It means a lot to me. Hopefully, the coming year will be kind to all of us. I know I'm really looking forward to sharing our mutual photography passion with all you great guys and gals on the forum. Let's have some fun.
Happy New Year, my friend,
It's been a real pleasure, Taz, to share with you our common love for photography. I've drawn inspiration from your work which, hopefully, will improve my own accomplishments.
Happy New Year my friend. Let the good times roll,
Thanks, AnnaMaria. When I'm lucky enough to stumble upon idyllic scenes like the first one, I just hope I don't blow the opportunity.
Happy New Year,
I am a sucker for barns.
I, as well, am a sucker for barns. I'm not sure how many I've shot over the years but it is a bunch.
Thanks for the visit,
Excellent composition - framing, dof and placement. Superb!
I can envision that as a painting.
Worth printing on canvas.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Thanks for your support, Phil. I appreciate it very much.
I've had three 20 X 30 canvas prints made of this shot. One hangs in the Chamber of Commerce building in Boone, N.C. Another hangs in a friend's law office lobby and one hangs in my office. All were done in the " gallery wrap " approach and all hang unframed.
I hope you have a great year,