Mantis On Display
These are shots of the mantis whose portraits I posted earlier. I wanted to show the whole insect in some kind of habitat context. I think that I must have changed my viewing position for the second one slightly to get the hotel wall as a background.
Ideally, a different angle for the first one would have made the leaf less prominent but I can accept the leaf as a price for the mouthparts being extended.
EM-1 (manual mode) Kiron 105mm, probably f11 or f16, TTL flash, 1/200 ISO 200.

Ideally, a different angle for the first one would have made the leaf less prominent but I can accept the leaf as a price for the mouthparts being extended.
EM-1 (manual mode) Kiron 105mm, probably f11 or f16, TTL flash, 1/200 ISO 200.

Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
I'm sending that lens off for repair today. The diaphragm has been sticking wide open increasingly frequently. It has given superb service and I hope to continue using it. That my back-up is a Leica 60mm macro says it all.
Thanks. I got more or less what I intended. That doesn't happen often enough.