I didn't kill my Macbook!

More of a warning than anything, but watch using liquids near your gear! After many years of owning laptops I finally did 'the stoopid' on New Years and knocked a water bottle over on my MBP. The spill was quick and not a ton of water but enough to leave me very concerned. It shut itself off so I let it dry out for 4 days (living in Colorado helps) and opened the bottom to inspect it. No signs of water stains or corrosion that I could see without removing the logic board which I'm unwilling to do.
So be careful out there and hopefully it will keep working as normal! I got a little careless with an open bottle of water so just a friendly reminder :thumb
So be careful out there and hopefully it will keep working as normal! I got a little careless with an open bottle of water so just a friendly reminder :thumb
I'm sure this can work for laptops too.