Wet car show

Went to a local cruise in to take a few pics of the few who decided to brave the (very wet) weather. It stopped raining for the last 30 minutes so I grabbed a few shots. Wasn't really into it today, lot of throwaway shots, didn't have any food or coffee yet
but got a couple I liked.


^I think I just liked how the car seems to be giving the perfect expression. "My owner took me out of the garage for THIS?". It was a BMW i8 after all...
Full gallery is here: LINK
Maybe there are some others in there you like more than these, if so feel free to let me know.



^I think I just liked how the car seems to be giving the perfect expression. "My owner took me out of the garage for THIS?". It was a BMW i8 after all...
Full gallery is here: LINK
Maybe there are some others in there you like more than these, if so feel free to let me know.
____Motoception Photography____