Starting the New Year with Film

For the last few months I've been piecing together a medium format film system. In particular a Fujifilm 680III. I finally got it all working with home scanning of the negs. I am not happy with my results ... I was looking for something Ansel Adams-esque and I ended up something more like Gary Ayala. I recognize I am low on the scanner learning curve ... but anyway this is my first attempt:

Fujifilm 680III w/ Tri-X at ASA 400, home scanned negative.
Thanks for Viewing,

Fujifilm 680III w/ Tri-X at ASA 400, home scanned negative.
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My snaps can be found here:
Unsharp at any Speed
Unsharp at any Speed
Also the leading line of the pier jumps out.....but squarish crop is working against it.....kind of taking the effect away...assuming that is what was desired.
Not sure who Gary Ayala is.....but if it is you....he is not half bad!:D
Are you using something like Silverlight to scan the negative?
The format is 6x8 ... so it leans towards the square-ish. This was snapped near sunset and the upper left is where/near the sun. I am disappointed in my exposure/development/scan ... I was expecting more zones, less blown highlights ... just better overall quality. I need to figure out how best to expose and develop for the scan as opposed to wet printing.
Thanks for viewing and commenting ... and yes, Gary Ayala is moi.
Unsharp at any Speed
Yes, SilverFast 8, it came bundled with the scanner.
Unsharp at any Speed