missing orange border

Very strange but the thick orange border that normally appears to the left and bottom of my main content has disappeared (the left border acts as a continuation of the 'P' in 'chp'). It was there very recently and I only noticed it missing today. I've not changed any custom css on my site in months, any ideas?
the css I used to create this in the first place is below for info:
the css I used to create this in the first place is below for info:
/* main content orange border left and bottom */ .sm-user-portfolio .sm-page-content .sm-page-layout .sm-page-layout-region .sm-page-layout-row .sm-page-layout-column .sm-page-layout { border-left: 13px solid #ff9900 !important; border-bottom: 13px solid #ff9900 !important; border-right: 1px solid #cccccc !important; z-index:1; }
Anyone any ideas why it would suddenly change? Has Smugmug changed the class ID of some of the content blocks?
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