Garden of the Gods - Some LF Photography

I went to the Garden of the Gods yesterday to do some hiking and photography. I shot with both black and white and Velvia 100 color slide film in the 4x5 camera. I developed the B&W last night and am scanning them now, the slide film will have to be sent out for processing.
I'm trying a new staining developer called Pyrocat MC for these negatives. It is supposed to stain the silver crystals so that you get more information in the highlights. It seems to be working as I am getting what I consider to be very good definition in what were overcast skies. with just a yellow filter, or even none, I am getting more defined skies than I would have gotten with my normal developers, even with a deep red filter for the type of skies that were there yesterday.
Anyway, here are a couple photos I just finished scanning. I'll be adding more as I finish them. I'll also add the color slides once they get processed.
Taken with a Zone VI 4x5 camera and Fujinon 125mm F5.6 lens and Ektar 203mm lens. Shot on Foma 200 film and developed in Pyrocat MC for 8.5 minutes, rotary processed.
Tower of Babel - Garden of the Gods by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
Garden of the Gods - 2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
I'm trying a new staining developer called Pyrocat MC for these negatives. It is supposed to stain the silver crystals so that you get more information in the highlights. It seems to be working as I am getting what I consider to be very good definition in what were overcast skies. with just a yellow filter, or even none, I am getting more defined skies than I would have gotten with my normal developers, even with a deep red filter for the type of skies that were there yesterday.
Anyway, here are a couple photos I just finished scanning. I'll be adding more as I finish them. I'll also add the color slides once they get processed.
Taken with a Zone VI 4x5 camera and Fujinon 125mm F5.6 lens and Ektar 203mm lens. Shot on Foma 200 film and developed in Pyrocat MC for 8.5 minutes, rotary processed.

Here are a couple more.
Garden of the Gods - Pikes Peak by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
Garden of the Gods 1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
Stunning images, great work
Tower of Babel - Garden of the Gods
Tower of Babel - Garden of the Gods by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
Lauren Blackwell
Link to my Smugmug site