Jelly Tooth Mushroom Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
This species is occasionally found on rotting conifer stumps in woodland. This one was found protruding from under the bark of a substantial fallen trunk, lying horizontally. Some bark on the side was split open, such that this colony was visible from above and from the side. Apart from the last one, all images are of the mushrooms in situ on the tree trunk.
The white ones are young fruiting bodies. I have given the second image additional sharpening to show the distribution of teeth. The third image shows the spines of a specimen found at another site a year earlier. The other two images are also from the previous sighting.
First two images: Olympus EM-1, Kiron 105mm 1:1 macro, twin TTL RC flash, and-held.
Third image: E-P2, 90mm Schneider Kreuznach HM, reversed on 220mm extension, f16. Manual flash ISO 400. FOV 10mm wide. Hand-held, with hand supported.T32 flash through DIY softbox. Hand-held.
Other images: EP-2, Kiron 105mm, T32 manual flash.
Both cameras were used in Manual mode.

The white ones are young fruiting bodies. I have given the second image additional sharpening to show the distribution of teeth. The third image shows the spines of a specimen found at another site a year earlier. The other two images are also from the previous sighting.
First two images: Olympus EM-1, Kiron 105mm 1:1 macro, twin TTL RC flash, and-held.
Third image: E-P2, 90mm Schneider Kreuznach HM, reversed on 220mm extension, f16. Manual flash ISO 400. FOV 10mm wide. Hand-held, with hand supported.T32 flash through DIY softbox. Hand-held.
Other images: EP-2, Kiron 105mm, T32 manual flash.
Both cameras were used in Manual mode.

Brian V.
Thanks. The seed mite was a handy focal point in the forest of teeth.
Thanks, Brian.
The last one reminds me of upside-down crumpets. Pass the butter, please. :eat
It seems that the species is edible, even raw, but I have not verified that information.