Short-Horned Grasshoppers from Corsica
These were all photographed on our last full day.
The first was one of several shot at the butterfly site in the mountain pass. As I suspected, the light was too harsh with some. Others were not quite focused by the AF. The remaining one shows some of the pebbles which gave the OOF background in some of the butterfly
The other two images were shot at our last hotel at Calanches de Piana. We took a late afternoon walk and found some on, or on raised ground behind, a low roadside stone wall.
The last was on a garden shrub.
All were shot with the EM-1, the first with sunlight, through the ED Digital 70-300AF, using AF. Settings were 263mm, 1/1250 f10, ISO 400.
The last was with the Kiron 105mm macro, probably at f11, 1/200 at ISO 800 and with TTL flash.

The first was one of several shot at the butterfly site in the mountain pass. As I suspected, the light was too harsh with some. Others were not quite focused by the AF. The remaining one shows some of the pebbles which gave the OOF background in some of the butterfly
The other two images were shot at our last hotel at Calanches de Piana. We took a late afternoon walk and found some on, or on raised ground behind, a low roadside stone wall.
The last was on a garden shrub.
All were shot with the EM-1, the first with sunlight, through the ED Digital 70-300AF, using AF. Settings were 263mm, 1/1250 f10, ISO 400.
The last was with the Kiron 105mm macro, probably at f11, 1/200 at ISO 800 and with TTL flash.


Maybe I should have posted the unsharpened image?
You should try tracking the little perishers. You see them jump, maybe with a flash of blue or red wings while in mid-air, then they have blended in with the ground again.
Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
Yes. Shame about the last one, not making the best of its cryptic colouring! Easy shot, though.