Local Fauna

merlinusmerlinus Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
edited January 19, 2015 in Other Cool Shots
Taken yesterday afternoon just outside my home office door. X-T1, 56mm.

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  • StumblebumStumblebum Registered Users Posts: 8,480 Major grins
    edited January 18, 2015
    What is it? I have never seen a Bobcat....is it? I would lose the 2 red poles....then again it is sitting on a bench so poles are fine....Nice catch!
  • merlinusmerlinus Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
    edited January 18, 2015
    Yes, it is a juvenile bobcat, sitting on the deck just outside my home office door. The red things are actually marker stakes in the ground. But thanks to your suggestion, I have gotten rid of them.
    Ubuntu Linux - LightZone - GIMP
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  • StumblebumStumblebum Registered Users Posts: 8,480 Major grins
    edited January 18, 2015
    merlinus wrote: »
    Yes, it is a juvenile bobcat, sitting on the deck just outside my home office door. The red things are actually marker stakes in the ground. But thanks to your suggestion, I have gotten rid of them.

    Well, if it is a juvenile, I would hate to run into its parents!:D
    Just saw it at home monitor for first time and it is fantastic exposure, especially since it was backlit, details are fantastic! Nice of it to pose for you so calmly!thumb.gif
  • merlinusmerlinus Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
    edited January 18, 2015
    Thanks very much for your kind and encouraging comments -- greatly appreciated! Mom is somewhat larger, and the seldom-seen males at least twice as big.
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  • CavalierCavalier Registered Users Posts: 3,080 Major grins
    edited January 19, 2015
    Beautiful Bobcat and great catch. Love the look on his face. And I agree with Stumble, nice of him to pose for you like that. (Had this been me trying to take the shot, I would have fiddled so much (as usual) that he would have been long gone before I got it.)
  • merlinusmerlinus Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
    edited January 19, 2015
    Thanks very much for your kind words, Cavalier. I set up the shot before opening the door (focus, exposure) so he would not be spooked too quickly. I got two photos before he jumped off the deck, but he stayed around with his litter mates until the next morning.
    Ubuntu Linux - LightZone - GIMP
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