Lightroom-SM workflow question

sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins
edited January 19, 2015 in SmugMug Support
I'm thinking to reorganize my galleries. Right now my site is organized so that I upload my "Private Galleries" (password-protected) out of Lightroom and then use the SM Organizer to make smart "Public Galleries" which are either based on a keyword or a Private Gallery (I exclude pictures of friends and family).

I would like to start doing this organization in Lightroom because in LR I can use the star ratings to do a further refinement of what's shown in the private galleries. Furthermore, if I import the galleries directly as public galleries then I work around the current EXIF-info display bug. [If a photo in a smart gallery is pulled from a password-protected gallery, then the EXIF info is not displayed when a non-logged-in user clicks on the Information button.]

On the Lightroom side, regardless of how many collections a photo is in, the photo exists only one time. The question is: when I upload the same photo from two different Lightroom collections will it then exist twice in SM or is SM smart enough to see that it is the same photo? What I don't want is that a keyword search results in returning multiple copies of the same photo. (Not that many people actually use the keyword search, but you never know...)

Thanks in advance for any responses!


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