Will saving in IQ 8 same quality as IQ 10 ?
Not too sure where to post, hope here is fine.
There was an article in DP Review, 2009 stating multiple resavings of pic in IQ 8 in CS will hv no deterioration as compared to saving in IQ 10. And if I remembered in the same article (too lengthy to search again), it even stated that there is no diff in print quality bet IQ 8 or IQ 10.
I understand Smugmug has stated clearly saving in IQ 10 is good enough for whatever print size. Can someone here testify saving in IQ 8 will also give similar print result (am refering no further cropping is neccessary).
i know hard disc space is cheap, but over a few thousand photos, there could be some substantial savings. It also make uploading of photos faster.
There was an article in DP Review, 2009 stating multiple resavings of pic in IQ 8 in CS will hv no deterioration as compared to saving in IQ 10. And if I remembered in the same article (too lengthy to search again), it even stated that there is no diff in print quality bet IQ 8 or IQ 10.
I understand Smugmug has stated clearly saving in IQ 10 is good enough for whatever print size. Can someone here testify saving in IQ 8 will also give similar print result (am refering no further cropping is neccessary).
i know hard disc space is cheap, but over a few thousand photos, there could be some substantial savings. It also make uploading of photos faster.
My gallery: http://david-low.smugmug.com
I hv also thought the best is by experimenting myself. But if its already an established fact, eg IQ 10 is Ok enough for big prints, and if someone else has tried and testified the same using IQ 8, that would serve as confirmation.