San Jose City Hall

PrevailingConditionsPrevailingConditions Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
edited January 28, 2015 in Other Cool Shots
Hey Grinners,

Just sharing a few shots of the local City Hall. This was designed by Richard Meier who also designed the Getty center in LA and the Barcelona museum. A pretty interesting design. I'm not sure how useful the Rotunda part is, but I see people hanging out in there having coffee and what-not. And since when are govt. buildings supposed to be useful?

I was stuck downtown waiting for the traffic to clear out and got some snaps.

I welcome your feedback and comments. The first two are very similar, but I wanted to try a couple different treatments.






I welcome your feedback, but leave the editing to me - thanks!


  • StumblebumStumblebum Registered Users Posts: 8,480 Major grins
    edited January 25, 2015
    Wow Mike! Didn't know San Jose had cool stuff like that!rolleyes1.gif
    Great captures!
  • PantherPanther Registered Users Posts: 3,658 Major grins
    edited January 25, 2015
    Howdy Mike,

    I"d Love to see what your Images look like when
    you plan :D:D:D

    These are stunning and the detail and lighting are

    Very nicely done, and the B&W is stands up against
    the Color images with a very good feel and look.
    Take care,


    Burleson, Texas
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited January 25, 2015
    I love your photos. Especially the first and third.

    I wish I could say I liked the building but I am no fan of the architecture-especially for as "progressive" a city as SJC wants to be.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • QarikQarik Registered Users Posts: 4,959 Major grins
    edited January 25, 2015
    they rock..I was not expecting this level of quality to be honest! =)
    D700, D600
    14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
    85 and 50 1.4
    45 PC and sb910 x2
  • kdogkdog Administrators Posts: 11,681 moderator
    edited January 25, 2015
    San Jose? California? :wow

    I guess I need to get out more. lol3.gif

    Seriously, these are really nice! Did you have to clone a bunch of people out of these scenes?
  • PrevailingConditionsPrevailingConditions Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited January 25, 2015
    Thanks for the nice comments. I would expect the local folks would have at least passed by. Downtown SJ isn't as interesting as San Francisco, but it's not completely without its charms. :D

    Ian - I'm not too sure about the architecture either, but I think San Jose suffers somewhat of an inferiority complex so they try to be a little more "out there".

    kdog - I didn't have to do too much cloning, I had to be a little more careful with framing and waiting. There were a bunch of skate boarders on the ramps and some girls taking a lot of selfies, but it wasn't too bad.

    I welcome your feedback, but leave the editing to me - thanks!
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited January 25, 2015
    Whether it's inferiority or not, I don't know. I've always though the rotunda didn't fit. In part, because it looks too much like the Hiroshima memorial-there was some controversy about that and the over-budget cost of construction.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • PrevailingConditionsPrevailingConditions Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited January 25, 2015
    Ian - sorry about misdirecting your comment! You make some great points.

    I welcome your feedback, but leave the editing to me - thanks!
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited January 25, 2015
    No worries Mike!
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,314 moderator
    edited January 26, 2015
    Holy cats! Those are all great, but that last one in B&W (#4) is gorgeous! #3 is a great comp. Here's for being stuck downtown. Please get stuck again and by all means have your camera with you.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • CavalierCavalier Registered Users Posts: 3,080 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2015
    15524779-Ti.gif It's all been said previously, but just have to say that they are all great and #4 is Excellent.
  • TravelTravel Registered Users Posts: 276 Major grins
    edited January 28, 2015
    Some people are just talented!
  • PrevailingConditionsPrevailingConditions Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited January 28, 2015
    You are very kind, but I respectfully disagree. I'm just hoping to be better this year than I was last year.

    Thanks again.

    I welcome your feedback, but leave the editing to me - thanks!
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