Two Nav-Bar´s with different colour letters
I´m trying to have two Nav-Bars in the same page and customizing them with different colour letters (one in white and the other in black)
So far I manage to change the colour on both nav-bars on same time or can change the background colour independently. But I cannot set two different colour letters.
Any ideas??
I enclose the link to the page.
The Nav bar in the header is supposed to remain in white and the Nav Bar inside the white square of the gallery is supposed to be in black letters.
Thanks in advance. :thumb
I´m trying to have two Nav-Bars in the same page and customizing them with different colour letters (one in white and the other in black)
So far I manage to change the colour on both nav-bars on same time or can change the background colour independently. But I cannot set two different colour letters.
Any ideas??
I enclose the link to the page.
The Nav bar in the header is supposed to remain in white and the Nav Bar inside the white square of the gallery is supposed to be in black letters.
Thanks in advance. :thumb
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Thanks Allen,
I still need to learn how to find these widgets, i' m using the Firefox developer but as I can see i'm not doing it properly.
What software do you use to find the .div names, firefox, chrome or some other.
Can you explain hoe you found the widget code?
Thanls again : Clap
I'm using the Firefox Firebug extension. Right-clicking on a part of the page, you can inspect the element in Firebug, which brings up Firebug at the bottom:
Depending on what you inspected, you may have to move up or down in the code to find the specific item. You can move your mouse over the various code lines and Firebug would highlight the specific element on the page. Sometimes, it may also be necessary to expand a certain div tag with the plus button to see additional elements.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks to both Sebastina and Allen,
I tried to apply the CSS code to both widgets that Allen specified, the code that I applied is the following:
/*White letters first Nav-Bar*/
.sm-page-widget-9559478 a, .sm-user-ui a:visited {
color: white !important;
/*Black letters second Nav-Bar*/
.sm-page-widget-9586170 a, .sm-user-ui a:visited {
color: black !important;
Wiith the following result:
- The firts nav bar letters: The first 5 buttons are in black letters and the rest are in white letters.
They were "supposed" to be all in white letters.
- the second nav bar letters are all in black (as I intend to be).
Obviously I´m doing something wrong....
Any suggestions??
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Hey, thanks.
I still don´t know how but I managed this one.
I will continue bulding the web.
Must probably I will face some issues later on.
If any I will ask for HELP!!!
Thanks again.
/*White letters first Nav-Bar*/
.sm-page-widget-9559478 a, .sm-page-widget-9559478 .sm-user-ui a:visited {
color: white !important;
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Thanks Allen !!! I will try your code later on I believe it will work :ivar