Batch uploading with Email
Hi people - just a heads up if anyone (like me) has an Internet account where national traffic is free or cheap, but international bandwidth is slower or more expensive... I wrote a very simple batch file to upload all the pics in a folder to smugmug... If anyone cares, here it is:
cut here
echo off
rem %1 is a text file for the caption to be attached
if exist c:\tools\smlog.txt del c:\tools\smlog.txt
for %%a in (*.jpg) do (
echo %%a
blat %1 -subject emailpassword -to -attach %%a -try 3 -timestamp -log c:\tools\SMlog.txt -q
wait 120)
notepad c:\tools\smlog.txt
cut here
I use blat.exe ( to send the email and it needs a simple setup to declare the smtp server to be used and the email account to send from.
I hardcoded the filename, but that could easily be changed... I just put the batchfile in the path (c:\winnt for example), edit the caption.txt file, then navigate to the directory of files I want to upload and type:
sm c:\tools\caption.txt
That then kicks off the upload - and for me it happens at the best possible speed since it's talking to my SMTP server, and is being charged at only 1/10 of the rate for international traffic.
If you have any questions, please ask...
Cheers - Neil G
cut here
echo off
rem %1 is a text file for the caption to be attached
if exist c:\tools\smlog.txt del c:\tools\smlog.txt
for %%a in (*.jpg) do (
echo %%a
blat %1 -subject emailpassword -to -attach %%a -try 3 -timestamp -log c:\tools\SMlog.txt -q
wait 120)
notepad c:\tools\smlog.txt
cut here
I use blat.exe ( to send the email and it needs a simple setup to declare the smtp server to be used and the email account to send from.
I hardcoded the filename, but that could easily be changed... I just put the batchfile in the path (c:\winnt for example), edit the caption.txt file, then navigate to the directory of files I want to upload and type:
sm c:\tools\caption.txt
That then kicks off the upload - and for me it happens at the best possible speed since it's talking to my SMTP server, and is being charged at only 1/10 of the rate for international traffic.
If you have any questions, please ask...
Cheers - Neil G
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