Thanks for the responses fellows. I leave the lights in just for that... a necessary distraction and pull of further intrigue for the viewer. They give a suble sense of proportion (imo anyways).
If I pull the lights, what do you have... but a nice colorful abstract image that one can walk by and easily forget when looking at a sea of other imagery....but leave the lights in.....,
they pull you back for a deeper, second look... you see the name of the image, look again at the lights. Then your eyes to to the upper middle.... scan left to right to get a framework of the size of the sky...., back to the lights....left and right of the bottom... notice the slight horizon line, notice the patch of red bleeding in under the cyans and blues.... back to the lights, imagine a small 2 seater plane landing...., back to the image overall.... then on to the next image in the gallery...., or in my hopes, up to the desk to see about purchasing this piece.....
So, to me, I think the lights are a necessary distraction... and I also intentionally broke a few composition rules with them... all to draw further interest into the image. I know some will say it doesn't make sense, or doesn't work for them, but I had reasons for creating the image that way intentionally instead of just dumping it.... for me, without the lights, the image just doesn't hold up on it's own... it would be a piece that I could never convince somebody to purchase because there are too many things similar or better.... but the lights... are a distraction.
I plan to print this large... (20x40-ish....?), mount it, treat it with a few layers of wax, put a simple thin black float frame around it and put it in the gallery.....
Again, thanks for your input... and for looking.
Lee Wiren
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited February 1, 2015
I hear what you're saying, Lee, and let's face's what you like that really matters. However, I'm with the rest of the guys. I find the lights to be an intrusion to an otherwise pleasing image. You have an interesting abstract that invites the viewer to revel in the striated colors, then you ask the viewer to break the spell and wonder about the lights. There's an incongruity there that's disturbing to me.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
It would be even better if you cloned out the landing lights!:D
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
If I pull the lights, what do you have... but a nice colorful abstract image that one can walk by and easily forget when looking at a sea of other imagery....but leave the lights in.....,
they pull you back for a deeper, second look... you see the name of the image, look again at the lights. Then your eyes to to the upper middle.... scan left to right to get a framework of the size of the sky...., back to the lights....left and right of the bottom... notice the slight horizon line, notice the patch of red bleeding in under the cyans and blues.... back to the lights, imagine a small 2 seater plane landing...., back to the image overall.... then on to the next image in the gallery...., or in my hopes, up to the desk to see about purchasing this piece.....
So, to me, I think the lights are a necessary distraction... and I also intentionally broke a few composition rules with them... all to draw further interest into the image. I know some will say it doesn't make sense, or doesn't work for them, but I had reasons for creating the image that way intentionally instead of just dumping it.... for me, without the lights, the image just doesn't hold up on it's own... it would be a piece that I could never convince somebody to purchase because there are too many things similar or better.... but the lights... are a distraction.
I plan to print this large... (20x40-ish....?), mount it, treat it with a few layers of wax, put a simple thin black float frame around it and put it in the gallery.....
Again, thanks for your input... and for looking.