Anna Maria City Pier Florida

I wanted to capture the fact that the pier has been repaired several times with money contributed by individuals. The planks bear out their many separate names. A true community effort.

"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
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Lower POV, truly centered, and perhaps with aperture opened up to put farther elements in bokeh would be another way to go. With aperture stopped down, long exposures would be another idea. Goodluck!
Very helpful. I think that would have helped. I believe I shot this on a turn glance as I was leaving the pier. The bright sky in the background also was hard to fix.
Stumblebum, you have a good eye. Never noticed the "triangles" on either side being unequal.
It would have been much better composed in the manner you suggest.
Also, the partially decapitated light is accidental and does distract on looking at it again.
Thanks for taking the time to analyze.
Boco, thanks for the kind comments. Heel erg bedanks.
In this shot the pier house is offset as is the angle of the shot from the pier. Maybe this is a better composition attempt vs the initial posted pic. Thoughts?