Mini-challenge #201 - Animal Pairs - Results

Well, you folks certainly didn't make it easy to select the "best of the best" here. After much deliberation, here are my thoughts and the final selections:
Honorable mentions:
- Tatiana - "I'm gonna catchya" - love how the ducks are in line as if one was chasing the other. Nice clarity as well.
- Sdways01 - "Cows watching traffic" - nice catch and good humor on this one. The cow on the left looks like she is giving a play-by-play.
- GrandmaR - Your Wood Stork shot - I like the reflections and the little duck in between.
- Paul (Hammy8241) - Gannets - I like the clarity of this shot and in particular the expression of the bird in the water.
- Tony - goats -So how did you get them to pose for you with their bling on? Good shot. I like the donkey shot as well.
- Kate (Kdotaylor) - Beetles - (At least I think they are beetles) - Good macro and great colors.
- Alan - Common Blues - lovely shot with great color and DOF.
- Eric - Flamingos - Well, this is almost a perfect mirror shot! I love this one! #24 and 38 are good looking birds.
- Don - Kittens in a bowl - This turns out to be a good mirror shot as well. It's amazing where and how cats will curl up.
- Lauren (redleash) - Pair of Labs - wonderful expression on both of them as if they were really interested in what someone was saying. Or was there a biscuit in their future? Nice shot.
And now the final three:
Third place - Lillian (Ikbart) - Butterflies playing footsies. Beautifully done and another mirror shot. Great composition as well.
Second place - Gretchen (Sapphire73) - Mountain Goats in Colorado. What's not to love - goats + Colorado + BW? Great catch. They appear to be a little worried about the next step!
First place - PuzzeledPaul - Morning Constitutional. What a shot! Composition, reflection, the outstanding DOF and beautiful colors.
Congratulations PuzzeledPaul for winning Mini #201. The ball is now in your court!
Honorable mentions:
- Tatiana - "I'm gonna catchya" - love how the ducks are in line as if one was chasing the other. Nice clarity as well.
- Sdways01 - "Cows watching traffic" - nice catch and good humor on this one. The cow on the left looks like she is giving a play-by-play.
- GrandmaR - Your Wood Stork shot - I like the reflections and the little duck in between.
- Paul (Hammy8241) - Gannets - I like the clarity of this shot and in particular the expression of the bird in the water.
- Tony - goats -So how did you get them to pose for you with their bling on? Good shot. I like the donkey shot as well.
- Kate (Kdotaylor) - Beetles - (At least I think they are beetles) - Good macro and great colors.
- Alan - Common Blues - lovely shot with great color and DOF.
- Eric - Flamingos - Well, this is almost a perfect mirror shot! I love this one! #24 and 38 are good looking birds.
- Don - Kittens in a bowl - This turns out to be a good mirror shot as well. It's amazing where and how cats will curl up.
- Lauren (redleash) - Pair of Labs - wonderful expression on both of them as if they were really interested in what someone was saying. Or was there a biscuit in their future? Nice shot.
And now the final three:
Third place - Lillian (Ikbart) - Butterflies playing footsies. Beautifully done and another mirror shot. Great composition as well.
Second place - Gretchen (Sapphire73) - Mountain Goats in Colorado. What's not to love - goats + Colorado + BW? Great catch. They appear to be a little worried about the next step!
First place - PuzzeledPaul - Morning Constitutional. What a shot! Composition, reflection, the outstanding DOF and beautiful colors.
Congratulations PuzzeledPaul for winning Mini #201. The ball is now in your court!
Jo West
Book 2:
Book 2:
I'll have an overnight ponder re 202.
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Thank you for mentioning my "I'm gonna catchya!" - they WERE really chasing each other - it was spring time
Congratulations to all - such nice entries!
To the next one now! ...... Facebook
Congrats Paul.
Alan - on the road in Spain
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .