Here's an angle shades moth caterpillar taken with the Venus lens. It's going to take awhile sorting focus and light out. First four with the ring flash attached to the lens. The last one is with the softbox held off camera.
How are you doing the aperture ?- setting it before focusing ?
Brian V.
If there is is enough light, you can just make out detail at around f/8 but I find I have to open it up to f/4 or f/2.8 first, focus, and turn the aperture ring to around f/11.
Great shots! Where do you find all these interesting insects? Is it just in the garden or somewhere else?
The vast majority of my photos, are all in my small garden. 15 feet square including paths, so about half of it has greenery where the bugs and insects reside.
How are you doing the aperture ?- setting it before focusing ?
Brian V.
Thanks SB. No - it is manual everything!
If there is is enough light, you can just make out detail at around f/8 but I find I have to open it up to f/4 or f/2.8 first, focus, and turn the aperture ring to around f/11.
Link to my personal website:
Thanks Harold.
Link to my personal website:
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
The vast majority of my photos, are all in my small garden. 15 feet square including paths, so about half of it has greenery where the bugs and insects reside.
Link to my personal website: