WOW! All 3 images are wonderful! It must have been quite an experience. Were you with a tour group?
Canon 5D Mark III, 6D; Canon 17-40 F 4.0 L; Canon 24-105 f 4.0 IS L; Canon 70-200 f 4.0 IS L; Canon 100-400 IS L II; Samyang 14mm f 2.8; Samyang 24 mm f 1.4; Manfrotto tripod
Since you have posted three of these excellent images as attachments in three separate threads, I would suggest you combine all three in one thread and preferably in-line the images from your Smugmug account, rather than posting them as attachments. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say they would be even more spectacular in a larger size, plus they would be easier to comment on and discuss if consolidated in one place.
To do this, simply right-click on your image in your Smugmug account and get the image URL (should end in .jpg). Then click on the yellow icon that looks like a mountain in the post composition window and paste the URL into the textfield and press OK. Do that for each of the three images. I'll be glad to help you out with this if you can direct me to the images on your Smugmug site.
These are really nice. I agree with kdog that all three in a single post would make it easier to compare the various tones and compositions together. Nice work with the shots.
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
Since you have posted three of these excellent images as attachments in three separate threads, I would suggest you combine all three in one thread and preferably in-line the images from your Smugmug account, rather than posting them as attachments. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say they would be even more spectacular in a larger size, plus they would be easier to comment on and discuss if consolidated in one place.
To do this, simply right-click on your image in your Smugmug account and get the image URL (should end in .jpg). Then click on the yellow icon that looks like a mountain in the post composition window and paste the URL into the textfield and press OK. Do that for each of the three images. I'll be glad to help you out with this if you can direct me to the images on your Smugmug site.
Thanks for your comments on my photos and note/suggestion regarding their posting.
I will do as advised and get this done within the next day or so. I'll reach out to you should I encounter any problems.
WOW! All 3 images are wonderful! It must have been quite an experience. Were you with a tour group?
Yes, we were with a tour group.
Given the location, time of year, not knowing the area and wanting to concentrate on photography and not on local logistics (e.g., keeping off private property or driving onto a frozen lake), going with a tour group was, in this case, most logical.
Over four days, we booked with four different tour companies, more as an assessment/evaluation of services offered, pros/cons, similarities/differences, knowledge, experience, etc. and basis for an eventual article I hope to pen. Each evening there were no more than between 9 - 12 individuals in our group. We were the only group I saw all evening long at any location we stopped to photograph the aurora.
Photographing the aurora in Bettles, Alaska was done independently and in Yellowknife, NWT, I hired an excellent local guide (also a photographer) as again, I was unfamiliar with the area and local logistics.
In addition to some great aurora displays in Yellowknife, driving (yes, driving) across Great Slave Lake, stopping a stop signs and looking at the GPS, showing nothing but blue beneath us, was a highlight, unsettling but, none-the-less a highlight.
Canon 5D Mark III, 6D; Canon 17-40 F 4.0 L; Canon 24-105 f 4.0 IS L; Canon 70-200 f 4.0 IS L; Canon 100-400 IS L II; Samyang 14mm f 2.8; Samyang 24 mm f 1.4; Manfrotto tripod
Since you have posted three of these excellent images as attachments in three separate threads, I would suggest you combine all three in one thread and preferably in-line the images from your Smugmug account, rather than posting them as attachments. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say they would be even more spectacular in a larger size, plus they would be easier to comment on and discuss if consolidated in one place.
To do this, simply right-click on your image in your Smugmug account and get the image URL (should end in .jpg). Then click on the yellow icon that looks like a mountain in the post composition window and paste the URL into the textfield and press OK. Do that for each of the three images. I'll be glad to help you out with this if you can direct me to the images on your Smugmug site.
Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks for your comments on my photos and note/suggestion regarding their posting.
I will do as advised and get this done within the next day or so. I'll reach out to you should I encounter any problems.
El Gato
Yes, we were with a tour group.
Given the location, time of year, not knowing the area and wanting to concentrate on photography and not on local logistics (e.g., keeping off private property or driving onto a frozen lake), going with a tour group was, in this case, most logical.
Over four days, we booked with four different tour companies, more as an assessment/evaluation of services offered, pros/cons, similarities/differences, knowledge, experience, etc. and basis for an eventual article I hope to pen. Each evening there were no more than between 9 - 12 individuals in our group. We were the only group I saw all evening long at any location we stopped to photograph the aurora.
Photographing the aurora in Bettles, Alaska was done independently and in Yellowknife, NWT, I hired an excellent local guide (also a photographer) as again, I was unfamiliar with the area and local logistics.
In addition to some great aurora displays in Yellowknife, driving (yes, driving) across Great Slave Lake, stopping a stop signs and looking at the GPS, showing nothing but blue beneath us, was a highlight, unsettling but, none-the-less a highlight.
El Gato