Dropdown Menu?
I saw it on some other pages, dropdown menus. I'd like to have something like when you hover over "browse" some chosen galleries are shown in submenus.
But I can't find a way to do that in the menu settings?

I saw it on some other pages, dropdown menus. I'd like to have something like when you hover over "browse" some chosen galleries are shown in submenus.
But I can't find a way to do that in the menu settings?
So if you set up links to your galleries as described here and than move those links below your link for Browse, making sure they are put in one step to the right, so that they become sub-menus and not new top-menus you're done
Especially when your menu gets a little longer this might be a good exercise for patience too
Good luck
Lille Ulven
Yep, found the article and it works. Still have to test what is possible with this functionality