Marri Reflection
Hi, The Marri trees are in full flower at the moment - taken plenty of photo's just as a record. However, in the evening when I am down at the farm dam pumping water for the stock, it is nice to just sit and look at their reflections - especially if there is a gentle breeze to ruffle the water. I have rotated the reflection so that it is 'the right way up'.

Thanks for looking in - C&C always appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.

Thanks for looking in - C&C always appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.
Evokes a pleasant feel, good capture.
Chalk up another winner to the maestro from the south.
Unsharp at any Speed
Claude Monet.. he loved reflections
Hi, glad you like it - a natural abstract.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi thanks for looking in and your positive feedback - much appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi Tom, After a hot day (which we have had plenty of this summer) it is quite peaceful down at the dam (especially once I switch the water pump off) so I think the shot does exude the evening tranquility - in a chaotic sort of way
Cheers, Richard.
The only issue is wall space
Cheers, Richard.
Great minds etc - I did look at some Monet paintings on Google Images before posting the shot - the french impressionists did like colourful reflections. Thanks for looking in and your positive comment - much appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi Wayne, Glad you liked the shot.
Cheers, Richard.
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Hi Tom, thanks for looking in - glad you liked it.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi, thank you for your feedback - much appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.