Searching light on coast

Was hoping to get more epic light on coast during rainy season, but most days, although fog free, are having boring sunsets, mainly due to absence of clouds. Tried to mine my shots best I could.
Wanted to create images with impact but it is hard. Plan to keep on chasing....
Helpful ideas and harsh criticism is cherished!
Wanted to create images with impact but it is hard. Plan to keep on chasing....
Helpful ideas and harsh criticism is cherished!













The Pigeon Point shots, especially that last one - have impact! They're all good, but wow. Do you have a color shot of the starry sky Pigeon?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Shot #3 would be better for me if the exposure was just a tad longer making the water a little more "silkier". Seems to be between normal water shot and the silky effect. Maybe you didn't have that option without blowing out the sky. Was this with an FLW filter?
Shot # 7 the foreground cliffs seem a little blown out with #8 being much better. Once again I suspect the direct lighting on that aspect of the rock face made that tougher to accomplish.
Shot #12 seems to need a tad more in the foreground but the colors are amazing. #11 works better because of the interesting formation of the solitary rock island.
Once again 5 stars for #'s 4 and 13! and the others are VERY close behind. You capture all the colors so very well!
Keep the good stuff coming.
Thanks David!! Much appreciate it!
Last shot is not mono-chrome even if it appears so. It was just dark and starry and I think if I faced the other way, the noise/light from Santa Cruz would probably add to colors. Or maybe some processing tweaks are needed to bring it out. I am hoping to get the blueish/purple galaxy one of these day!
Thanks much Wayne!
For #3, just straight shooting in low light. The good light was only for few moments so didn't have chance to think it through.
For #7, I tried to take care of cliffs in processing. My monitor doesn't show it, but I could have made it tad less bright. Will try another version and post it. Thanks for pointing that out!!
For #12, it was my attempt to create seascape abstract.....aiming for simplicity. Doesn't always work. Hope to catch the magic of minimalism and beauty some time.
Cheers m8!
Thanks Tom! Hope you start posting too! Everyone needs/deserves a friend like you!
As for criticism - puleeze -why wasn't I there to learn ?
Book 2:
Book 2:
Hi Jo, thanks for kind comments! Much appreciate them. I noticed it just now. It is not in my Lightroom shot. Somehow it may be getting corrupted during export or smugmug is doing something to it. I will try to crop and update see if that make it go away.
I refreshed cookies and it went away. Strange....
I updated it, reloading should show it. Hope it is better, or can mellow it out more! Thanks for help!
Taz...this is perfect. The definition of the foreground cliffs in now more visible. What a great composition! I only wish I could get some lessons from you!
Anxious now to see your next efforts!
Unsharp at any Speed
Thanks Gary! Means a lot!
I'm not sure why, but the shadows cast on a few of the others bother me. Not much you can really do about that in those locations.
I wonder if #11 would be stronger if you crop out the lower !/3 of the foreground.
Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks Mitch for kind and valuable feedback!! I noticed the shadows in #2 and #7 on the location itself and considered changing the comp. I over thought it and wondered if shadows would add some drama or interest.....also wanted to know if they stick out enough to be bothersome. I sincerely appreciate your input because it confirms my original instinct to comp them out and next time my decision would be bit simpler. In #5 I wanted the top of the bluffs to have the first-light and rest dark, so it may not work but was intentional.
For #11, I have executed that shot before and framed it the way you suggested as that seems to be the best way. The difference this time was that tide was high so even immediate foreground was the past due to low tide there was some gunk in front of me and it was convenient to get rid of it. Just trying to be different this time but it doesn't matter how hard you force it!:D My hope is not have to rely on long exposure to try and create interest with smooth abstract but can never find interesting sky, despite half dozen attempts.
Below is the modified shot and 2 from previous attempts
Pre-dawn 20 minutes exposure
Dawn - 6.4 minute exposure
Blue Hour after sunset - 54 seconds exposure
Thanks Boco! Ik waardeer uw vriendelijke reactie! Ik weet dat je niet genieten van lange belichtingen. In feite soms, als ik het fotograferen zeg ik tegen mezelf, "Boco is niet van plan om dit als;! O) hoop ik meer interessant licht vinden waar ik niet hoeft te rekenen op lange belichtingstijden en abstracte uitstraling aan interesse in het creëren schot. hoewel, vaker wel dan niet in weinig licht, ga je op zijn minst enigszins langzame sluitertijd te krijgen, tenzij je bij zeer hoge ISO te schieten. ik hoop te creëren als zeegezicht of stream geschoten op volle snelheid, speciaal voor jou! Proost!
Thanks Boco! I really appreciate your kind comment! I know you don't enjoy long exposures. In fact sometimes when I am shooting I say to myself, "Boco is not going to like this! ;o) I hope to find more interesting light where I don't have to rely on long exposures and abstract look to create interest in the shot. In low light though, more often than not, you are going to get at least somewhat slow shutter, unless you shoot at very high ISO. I hope to create a seascape or stream shot at full speed, just for you! Cheers!
Thanks Bro! I am gonna try tonight for full moon, but in early morning. Hope to not get ticket. Not sure if 3:00am will work for you!:D
So that you know, your teachings at work! Tried 2 pano shots (#6 and #10). Still trying to get hang of it! Cheers!
With the time change this weekend, it will make it easier to get down there after work!
I welcome your feedback, but leave the editing to me - thanks!
Many thanks Mike! Your work that you have shared from these spots, has been major inspiration!
The light, vibrance and sharpness that I have seen in your shots, is still a goal for me!
I have good news for you though.....the weather for this upcoming weekend looks very interesting. It looks mostly cloudy, but if pattern holds it would be slight less worse than they are predicting and it should be good news for us!
Thanks JBR!! Hope your adventures are going well!
You're too funny.
Yes, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both the weather and the schedule to align. Be sure to share if you get out.
I welcome your feedback, but leave the editing to me - thanks!
Cheers, Richard.
My Gallery
Thanks Richard! Very kind!
Thanks Awais! Always special to hear from you!
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion