A few taken today, all these were on the same piece of wood which I had carried into the kitchen to get out of the very cold biting wind. All taken on the Venus 2:1 lens, with flash, or natural light, or a combination of both!
The first springtail is an Orchesella, almost certainly O. villosa with, perhaps the Tomocerus (Pogonognathellus?) in the back ground, also appearing in the second image.
The lens is doing an excellent job on spiders and springtails.
The first springtail is an Orchesella, almost certainly O. villosa with, perhaps the Tomocerus (Pogonognathellus?) in the back ground, also appearing in the second image.
The lens is doing an excellent job on spiders and springtails.
Thank you everyone.
I'm enjoying the challenge of working incredibly close to things I can barely see, lol...
Brian V.
The lens is doing an excellent job on spiders and springtails.
Thank you everyone.
I'm enjoying the challenge of working incredibly close to things I can barely see, lol...
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk