Menacing Moth Fly
I have been to get images which are both sharp and show the rather fluffy, feminine appearance of these tiny flies. This one gives quite a different impression. It is a bit soft. The green background shapes were not so evident prior to uploading.
EM-1, Schneider Repro-Claron 55mm on 200mm extension, at f13, flash, FOV 5mm, cropped by about 30%.
EM-1, Schneider Repro-Claron 55mm on 200mm extension, at f13, flash, FOV 5mm, cropped by about 30%.

Congrats Harold!
Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
I had another session yesterday.
As I suspected, there are two species: this rather brownish, coarsely-bristled one, which stands around quite a lot, and a much smaller, white one, with a more fluffy appearance and black spots on the wings. That white one scarcely remains still for more than a second or two but I have some shots, including some similar to the above. I hope to process them this morning.
As I suspected, there is evidence that motion blur, or moving slightly OOF, has more to do with how these images look that lens performance.