Moth Flies: Two Species
The first of my attempts to photograph these at my compost heaps involved a brownish species. Another compost heap has some of those plus a smaller, white, species with some dark patches on its wings. This smaller species in even more difficult to photograph, remaining still only for seconds.
These were shot at f16 with the extension reduced slightly to give a FOV 6mm wide. They have been cropped differently, to fill the frame. The white species is ca 2mm long, linearly, about half the size of the darker one.
EM-1, Schneider Repro-Claron 55mm on ca 190mm extension from the adapter, f16, aperture priority, flash, hand-held.
There are a lot of coloured pixels, due to overload from flash on shiny surfaces, nothing to do with the magnification. I have had this with bumble bees, Bee-Flies, etc.

These were shot at f16 with the extension reduced slightly to give a FOV 6mm wide. They have been cropped differently, to fill the frame. The white species is ca 2mm long, linearly, about half the size of the darker one.
EM-1, Schneider Repro-Claron 55mm on ca 190mm extension from the adapter, f16, aperture priority, flash, hand-held.
There are a lot of coloured pixels, due to overload from flash on shiny surfaces, nothing to do with the magnification. I have had this with bumble bees, Bee-Flies, etc.