Privacy, by project: I need a strategy

Hi. I am a bit struggling getting the right strategy for the sharing of my galleries. Maybe somebody will have a good idea. So here it goes:
I work on many projects at once, and each project has a different team, different collection of galeries (folders) and of course, different galleries.
I want minimum hassle for the rest of the team. Many of them might not be tech-savvy: I want no log-in, no account. They need to have access to all the galleries related to the project we do together with just one password. And they need, from this one password, to be able to browse through the galleries related to the project.
So what I do is create a PUBLIC folder that can be accessed with a PASSWORD (specific to this project), and then, all folders and galleries inside this folder have security features inherited. Works like a charm.
The PROBLEM is: if they click on the Browse menu (top-right), everybody can "see" all the projects/folders I am working on. I don't want that. Or at least, I would prefer if this was not the case.
Private Sharing is too complicated: most people have so many accounts in so many websites. And in my case, many of these people will visit the site only once or twice.
Anybody has an idea?:dunno
I work on many projects at once, and each project has a different team, different collection of galeries (folders) and of course, different galleries.
I want minimum hassle for the rest of the team. Many of them might not be tech-savvy: I want no log-in, no account. They need to have access to all the galleries related to the project we do together with just one password. And they need, from this one password, to be able to browse through the galleries related to the project.
So what I do is create a PUBLIC folder that can be accessed with a PASSWORD (specific to this project), and then, all folders and galleries inside this folder have security features inherited. Works like a charm.
The PROBLEM is: if they click on the Browse menu (top-right), everybody can "see" all the projects/folders I am working on. I don't want that. Or at least, I would prefer if this was not the case.
Private Sharing is too complicated: most people have so many accounts in so many websites. And in my case, many of these people will visit the site only once or twice.
Anybody has an idea?:dunno
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In fact, if I could customize the links in the menu for a folder and its subfolders and its galleries, maybe I could part with the crumbread, but it does not seem to be feasible.
To get to the top folder or any child you'd need to provide them a direct link and this would only bring up the "enter password" page.
Removing the top folder from the /browse page I can't think of another way to find it.
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Yes exactly... I want the team members to be able to go up and down the folders...
but they can get to the "Home" page by the crumbread as well, isn't it? Then, all the public folders appear, even if you cannot get "in" them without the password.
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Allo me to dig a bit deeper in the problem.
The problen is:
if I allow use of the crombread as a way for my partners to navigate through my site, they can always hit the HOME icon and see what other projects I am working on.
If I want to remove the crombread and use the MENU instead, customizing the folder, the problem is all changes I make in the menu is for the whole site: i cannot customize the menu for just one folder/page.
CSS? I would really prefer not to go into this.
Or is there something I miss?
What about having project folders under your main folder - one for each project and those being visible only with a password (or link and password for that matter).
So your folder structure would look like this:
- project1
- project2
- project3
- projectn
That way even if you had the breadcrubs someone who would have link and password from project3 could klick 10 times on the home-thingy and would probably even get to home, but would never be able to see your project folders.
The only problem that you might have is that if say one person (except yourself) needs access to more than one project while everybody else only needs access to one project, that person would need more than one password too.
But for example if you were to have several projects with the same group of people needing access you just would give them the second link and the password could be the same as the one chosen for the previous project.
Could this work for you?
Good luck
Lille Ulven
adding a box with that info. Smug has created a /browse system page for this. It already has a content
box on it or one added by you which probably shows every top level category.
Through Customize you can change the /browse page to show a content box of your choice.
Example: a folders box with top level folders (categories in legacy). If you use "Folders I Choose" you can
select to only show your public folders and not any projects folders. No one would know that they even
exist except for those you supply a link and password.
Using the breadcrumb to go up to the homepage, they'd only see what's on your hp. They would have to
use the "supplied by you" link to get back to the projects.
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