Wonderful stuff! And the comp is tops - especially getting in the last of the brown leaves on the tree at upper right.
Thanks all. Yes it was important for me to frame with the brown leaves, they pop with the dark background, and give some sparkle and depth. It's not perfect, there was a lot of spray which softened the background. I had to do some work in Lightroom to sharpen it up, but I think I've overcooked it slightly, particularly the right hand side of the rear falls - way too much contrast. Will return for another go mid spring.
"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
These are really great. Tough choice between the two. The second one seems a bit tight on the foreground under that tiny falls. The first one has a perfect comp, so that would be my choice.
Both shots are very good. My vote goes to the vertical image, however. The composition, positioning and crop seem to draw me into the frame and to the falls themselves, mlre than the horizontal shot.
That said, my humble opinion.
The scenery, location and season make for an excellent image.
Thanks for the responses. Interesting to see a split in opinions with regards to which Is the better format. I must admit, initially I preferred the Portrait Shot, but the Landscape shot is growing on me. Fabulous area for waterfalls - there must be about 10 beautiful falls within a 5 mile radius. More to come when there's a little more greenery to photograph.
Really like the first one and the 2nd is pretty good too. One thing that I notice in both is there is not a whole lot going on in the far left side of the images and you have features cut off in other places. In the first one you might have shifted the image to the right to get more of the lower falls and eliminate the dead space on the left. In the second move down a little and eliminate some of the top. Just my thoughts.
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Thanks Aaron, I'll check the original, it may be that I've cropped in from the right for a particular reason, or I've deliberately or accidentally composed with further to the left.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Horizontal - Watch this space!! :-)
Thanks all. Yes it was important for me to frame with the brown leaves, they pop with the dark background, and give some sparkle and depth. It's not perfect, there was a lot of spray which softened the background. I had to do some work in Lightroom to sharpen it up, but I think I've overcooked it slightly, particularly the right hand side of the rear falls - way too much contrast. Will return for another go mid spring.
Hi All, Landscape Version. I'd be interested in hearing which you prefer?
Link to my Smugmug site
That said, my humble opinion.
The scenery, location and season make for an excellent image.
Thanks for sharing these.
El Gato
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion