Theme Accent Color
In my site theme I have a blue-gray accent color set. On my Services page the titles for each paragraph are set to use the accent color set by the theme. The problem is that the text is a much lighter shade than the accent color. I did a print screen and pasted it into photoshop to measure the color. The title text reads as color #9cc4ff whereas the theme is set to an accent color of #617b9f.
If I change the theme accent color to red, the title color changes to red but again it is several shades lighter than what it should be.
Any idea what is causing this?
If I change the theme accent color to red, the title color changes to red but again it is several shades lighter than what it should be.
Any idea what is causing this?
My Website index | My Blog
.sm-user-ui .sm-accent, .sm-user-ui, .sm-user-ui, .sm-user-ui, .sm-user-ui, .sm-user-ui {
color: #D40000;}
My Website index | My Blog
Hi Allen, My browser shows the titles as #D40000 as well even though the theme accent color is set to #6e0000. I have used CSS to add hover colors to the nav bar and social icons and had to use the two different shades of red to get them to match on screen. To rule out that any of my modifications could be causing this, I started with a new Osiris theme. I added a title to the page and set it to be the accent color. The following image shows the results. The green text is about 30% lighter than the theme accent color. I played around with the Alpha Sliders within the theme and none of them affected the title text. I did the same process with the Ludwig theme and had the same result.
Seems to me this is something SmugMug is doing on their end....
I can't remember what I did... I think like you I just tweaked to get close.