slide show full screen in internet explorer
On my slide show, if I view in Chrome the double-headed arrow for full screen display works. If I view in Internet Explorer the double headed arrow appears but does nothing. Is this a known issue? Easy to say "use chrome" but most of my viewers don't know what a browser is so they use the Windows default IE.
Interesting. I never even noticed the double arrow, but I see the same behavior on my home page as you do on yours.
I didn't try to see how SM invokes it, I know IE didn't support the full screen API until IE 11, but I'm IE11 so it is not (just) that.
Firefox works as expected as does chrome.
Smug has never supported a full screen slideshow on IE. I think there were problems in previous versions but I can't imagine that IE11 has the same problems. I'd love to see this behavior changed so IE matches the other browsers.
I just checked - I have the slideshow button in all of my galleries. If I click it in Chrome or Firefox the slideshow is full screen. If I click it in IE the slideshow is the size of the browser window.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Let me report this to our engineers for further investigation. Thank you very much for bringing this up.