Tumbling Creek

Tumbling Creek is in the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management area in Washington County, Va.
After all the snow melting and recent rains, it really is tumbling!! C&C's appreciated.



After all the snow melting and recent rains, it really is tumbling!! C&C's appreciated.




"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
Comp for #2 is thrilling!
You have however run into same issue that all of us run into on a bright day, shooting in creek. Wherever the sunlight hits, it is going to appear too hot or blown out. Even a strong graduated neutral density filter will, help you only so much.
Second, you may get called out by slow shutter police! ;o)
It may be too milky.....
To get definition out of water, 1-2 seconds, so have to give up depth (aperture) or higher iso.
For location like this, hope for overcast or cloudy day, or when angle of sun is low enough that it skips over the area of interest!
Keep shooting my friend!
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Taz, thanks so much for your input! Really helps me out. I see what you are seeing as well. In fact I did take multiple exposures from each location thinking that the "silky" vs "non-silky" issue might arise. The lighting was really difficult in that part of the stream was getting sun and other parts were in deep shade. This shot was with a shorter exposure taken at the same location as #4 and gives less glare with more stream definition. Let me know what you think comparing the two shots.
#4 Part 2
Don, thanks for commenting. I think I see what you are seeing in regards to the shot not being quite straight. Let me know if this is not better. I tried to take the water "glare" down a bit also.
#3. Part 2
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Ahhhh, now I see and you're exactly right. Either you have a very keen eye or I was completely off on the crop and I'm thinking both! Here is...
#3. Part 3!
Thanks Taz! I gotta say I probably have several more variations in the exposure settings on this particular shot, but I like this one as well. Always appreciate your input bro!
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Great work throughout the entire set, regardless of my input.
JonaBeth, thanks for taking the time to look at the shots. I really appreciate it!
Carl, thanks for looking at the shots. I really appreciate the comment! Have to say I'm just learning to use the ND filter!