.PNG Artifacts showing in gallery

I'm seeing some artifacts around the edges of a .PNG file that I uploaded into a Smugmug Gallery. I don't see the same problem when I open the original file using Photoshop on my computer... or when I open the file after downloading it directly from the gallery. I have .PNG's that do not show these artifacts in other galleries.
I cannot figure out whether or not this is a problem on my end or an issue displaying the >PNG on Smugmug. I see it happening on all of my computers (Dell Laptop win 7 64bit... Dell desktop win 7 64bit... M/S Surface Pro 3 win 8.1 64bit).
Any thoughts?
The gallery...
The artifacts...
I cannot figure out whether or not this is a problem on my end or an issue displaying the >PNG on Smugmug. I see it happening on all of my computers (Dell Laptop win 7 64bit... Dell desktop win 7 64bit... M/S Surface Pro 3 win 8.1 64bit).
Any thoughts?
The gallery...
The artifacts...

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Smug help page at http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/93278-what-types-of-files-can-i-upload-to-smugmug- says: --- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I was able to get rid of the artifacts by downloading the file from my Smugmug account, selecting the banner in Photoshop, and running the eraser around the perimeter. I think this means that the PNG files I produced somehow contained some "invisible" artifacts. I'll report back here if I ever figure out exactly what happened.