Upload a flyer to smugug?
Twice a year on ADVRider.com I am tasked with starting a thread for 2 charity rides. I always include the event flyer as an image so it is easy to find and print. For example here is last years:

Ta da!
Obviously last years is in my Smugmug gallery, and all is well...
Here is my problem, every year the flyer gets emailed to me as a word document and a PDF (I get both), and every year I have to screw around trying to figure out how to get Smugmug to let me upload it. This year I cannot remember how the hell I do it. Did I somehow convert the file type to a jpeg? Dunno...

Ta da!
Obviously last years is in my Smugmug gallery, and all is well...
Here is my problem, every year the flyer gets emailed to me as a word document and a PDF (I get both), and every year I have to screw around trying to figure out how to get Smugmug to let me upload it. This year I cannot remember how the hell I do it. Did I somehow convert the file type to a jpeg? Dunno...
If you are using a Mac, you could use Preview instead for the conversion. Open your file with preview and than choose File -> Export and choose JPEG as a format.
You could also try and download your flyer from your smug mug gallery and see in what filetype it comes - if it's a JPEG than you've most certainly converted it
And to remember what you've done to make it happen the next time: what about adding a private help-page to your site, which only you can see, where you describe step by step what you've done to your files. That way you'll know next time - unless of course you forget about your own help-page
Good luck
Lille Ulven
If you don't have Photoshop or GIMP or something similar, you can try
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