I Only Have Eyes For You
Well, there wasn't room for much else at FOV 4mm wide!
I was using a setup optimised for Collembola (springtal) shots, with the Photar 50mm on extension to ca. 270mm from the sensor. The lens was set to f11 but my supporting fingers sometimes caused it to close down by up to one stop. The working distance was ca 50mm.
I had a diffused flash, angled downwards and inwards on an L-bracket to the left and a freestanding, undiffused one to the right, TTL via RC. 1/250 at ISO 640, hand-held.
When lifting pieces of dry, dead bark of the ground, looking for springtails, I found this fingernail-sized (with its legs hunched up) harvestman sitting on the underside of a piece. I was photographing in a greenhouse because it was raining. I didn't expect the Opilione to remain in place during the 30 yard walk back but it did and remained so until the session was over and I returned it to its home.
I could have decreased the magnification but I decided to concentrate on the eyes.
The three-quarters views have been cropped slightly for composition, the other considerably so.

I was using a setup optimised for Collembola (springtal) shots, with the Photar 50mm on extension to ca. 270mm from the sensor. The lens was set to f11 but my supporting fingers sometimes caused it to close down by up to one stop. The working distance was ca 50mm.
I had a diffused flash, angled downwards and inwards on an L-bracket to the left and a freestanding, undiffused one to the right, TTL via RC. 1/250 at ISO 640, hand-held.
When lifting pieces of dry, dead bark of the ground, looking for springtails, I found this fingernail-sized (with its legs hunched up) harvestman sitting on the underside of a piece. I was photographing in a greenhouse because it was raining. I didn't expect the Opilione to remain in place during the 30 yard walk back but it did and remained so until the session was over and I returned it to its home.
I could have decreased the magnification but I decided to concentrate on the eyes.
The three-quarters views have been cropped slightly for composition, the other considerably so.