Add a dark bar at the top and double the width of my navigation bar - help please
Hi - this is my first post in many, many years. I need help making a few tweaks to my site:
* double the width of my navigation bar - black bar exists (CSS)
* add a bar at the very top in color 204B86 - same width as adjusted navigation bar
Thank you!
* double the width of my navigation bar - black bar exists (CSS)
* add a bar at the very top in color 204B86 - same width as adjusted navigation bar
Thank you!
* double the width/height (height here) of my navigation bar - black bar exists (CSS)
* add a bar at the very top in color 204B86 - same width (HEIGHT) as adjusted navigation bar
* run both bars the entire width of the screen
Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.
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Hi Allen - you helped me many years ago while I was living in Denver. What a great help you were!
I actually want to double the HEIGHT of the Navigation Bar
Add a darker blue bar to the very top with the same HEIGHT as the adjusted Navigation Bar
I'd like both to stretch the entire width.
/* modify top menu */
.sm-page-widget-8795808 {
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px; /* position text vertically */
I think your page is set to a static width as the menu is already at 100% width. Couldn't figure
out how to extend it.
Getting top bar is a little more difficult. I added a "spacer" at page top to "entire site" and gave the
widget a black background using CSS. It did extend to browser width.
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Thank you Allen - the height of the navigation bar is great. I now have the following in CSS:
.sm-page-widget-nav {background-color: #000;}
/* modify top menu */
.sm-page-widget-8795808 {
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px; /* position text vertically */
Not sure what you meant about adding a "spacer" at page top. I don't see a difference. Also, should I change the "static" width?
I can add one like this but on NewSmug you can not add direct html. Has to be in a widget and this can not go in the header.
html {border-top: 25px solid red}
The only widget other then logo/photo type or text that can be added in the header is
a "spacer". A spacer can be sized and a black background applied.
You could probably add an image (resembles a bar) as a second log/banner above your current one at the top.
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Also interested in adding a shadow under the slideshow similar to the "parent"