Tumbling Creek... Pt. 2

With great input from Don, Taz, and JonaBeth, I went back out to Tumbling Creek in the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management area of Washington County, Va. this week. This is a really powerful creek and I hope the pictures capture that characteristic. It swallowed up my remote wireless shutter release also!
Although rain was predicted, it turned out to be a gorgeous day.
These are tripod shots with a variable ND filter on a D7100 / 18-200 f/3.5-5.6 Nikkor lens .
The ISO was set at 250 from a previous outing and I forget to change it! :whip
Autofocus 0ff
VR (lens stabilization) Off
Mirror-up mode






Although rain was predicted, it turned out to be a gorgeous day.
These are tripod shots with a variable ND filter on a D7100 / 18-200 f/3.5-5.6 Nikkor lens .
The ISO was set at 250 from a previous outing and I forget to change it! :whip
Autofocus 0ff
VR (lens stabilization) Off
Mirror-up mode







"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
Jonabeth, thanks so much. As some one whose familiar with whitewater, that means a lot.
I'm really liking your shots as well.
As always Taz, your thoughts mean a great deal to me! Thanks.
All but the sixth seem to me to be a bit yellowish. Color casts are not necessarily bad but you might adjust the white balance and see if you like it better. I copied one and adjusted the balance to show you what I mean:
It's really a choice. I kind of the like golden glow of yours.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
I SO regret not getting here in the autumn season. That will not happen next year! Thanks for the nice comments Carl!
Link to my Smugmug site
Kdog, thanks for taking a look at the shots and comments. It really is great photog site!